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Capstone Connect, PLLC
Counseling & Trauma Services

Take Charge of Your Mental Health

A Better, Healthier You Starts Here

If you’re feeling weighed down by life’s relentless challenges, you’ve come to the right place. At Capstone Connect PLLC, we provide comprehensive mental health services to aid individuals and families in Houston, TX and surrounding areas. Our experienced therapists and clinical social workers are trained to handle diverse situations, including divorce, behavioral concerns, adoption, anxiety, depression, and traumas. Past traumatic experiences often require specialized treatment. You can count on us to find thoughtful solutions to your challenges.

Trust the Experts in Mental Health

A lady sipping coffee and chatting with a friend in Houston, TX
Who We Are
A family of four having a good time after breakfast in Houston, TX
What We Do
Woman sitting on a sofa and browsing teletherapy services in Houston, TX.

Comprehensive Mental Health Services

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Play Therapy

Play Therapy uses play to help children communicate their feelings, thoughts, and experiences in a secure setting. Our therapists use art, puppets, sand trays, and games to engage and aid in children's emotional healing.

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Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is a psychotherapy that seeks to reduce the distress of traumatic memories. By using guided eye movements or bilateral stimulation while recalling traumas, it aims to desensitize negative emotions and reprocess memories into adaptive forms.

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Psychotherapy, or talk therapy, involves discussions with a trained therapist to address and modify negative thought and behavior patterns. Techniques such as tracking moods or writing about thoughts help clients gain insight, develop coping mechanisms, and improve mental well-being.

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Safe and Sound Protocol

Safe and sound protocol (SSP) is a non-invasive, music-based therapy that strengthens emotional regulation and social engagement by stimulating the vagus nerve. Using specialized music and headphones to regulate the nervous system, it can reduce anxiety, depression, PTSD, and more.

Start Your Journey to Wellness

Schedule An Appointment

We accept Cigna, AETNA, BCBS, MEDICARE, OPTUM/UNITED, MAGELLAN, HUMANA, UMR, and EAP. We also have appointments starting at $75 per session, and accept Care Credit.

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