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Haley Headshot

Haley Calhoun-Davis

Welcome! I am Haley Calhoun-Davis, a licensed therapist at Capstone Connect, PLLC. Choosing a therapist can be difficult. My goal is to create a safe, non-judgmental space that facilitates the exploration and resolution of my client’s concerns while ensuring they feel supported and well-informed throughout the therapeutic process.
I see children, adolescents, and young adults. When choosing me as your therapist, I utilize the most effective evidence-based treatment approaches. I also take time to listen to parents, teachers, and other sources to better understand you or your child.
I have expertise in working with adolescents and teens within the LBGTQ+ community.
Additionally, I provide support to individuals who have undergone trauma, are grappling with depression and/or anxiety, as well as those navigating life transitions. I invite you to contact me to schedule a consultation!


Riya Bhatt

Hi, I'm Riya. Therapy can be a healing, restorative, and emotionally supportive experience - so don't put it off any longer! I collaborate with my clients by using my knowledge and expertise to build individualized therapeutic goals. I specialize in treating preteens and teens (12-18). I also work with young adults and individuals of South Asian descent.
When working with preteens, adolescents, and adults, I utilize a variety of therapeutic methods including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Relational-Cultural Therapy.
Starting therapy and even searching for a therapist can be a difficult process. My goal is to create a positive therapy experience for everyone. I believe that therapy should be a collaborative process where I walk alongside my clients to reach their goals. I accept in person or virtual clients. Please contact me to discuss your therapeutic journey today!

Carrie Trowbridge

As a therapist, I seek authenticity and deep understanding with my clients to engage their curiosity about their own selves and circumstances. In our work, I will offer support and direction to help you identify and meet your goals. My client-centred approach provides a safe space to address any areas of struggle, distress or transition. I have a down to earth approach in which clients have described me as being a genuine and caring therapist who is able to meet you where you are to assist in your journey. I am a trauma therapist who uses modalities including EMDR, Trauma Informed Yoga, Mindfulness, Meditation, CBT, and ACT.

I have extensive professional and personal experiences which led me to my passion in working with diverse clientele, young adults 16+ thru seniors, and persons who have been marginalized due to LGBTQ+ identifies and social oppression. I am a trauma therapist experienced with issues including PTSD, domestic abuse/violence, depression, anxiety.

As far back as I can remember, I have been interested in working with individuals to address trauma and other issues. I am drawn to listening to individuals' life stories and providing assistance. I will offer support and direction to help you identify and meet your goals. My client- centered approach will provide a safe space to address any areas of need.

Contact Us to Request an Appointment


3500 W Davis St #250, Conroe, TX 77304, USA


1110 Kingwood Dr, Kingwood, TX 77339, USA

Houston River Oaks

3100 Weslayan St #270, Houston, TX 77027, USA